Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fast Food Nation

Date viewed: Saturday 26th June

Okay. so you may have noticed I have not rated this. You cannot put a rating on this movie. This movie IS the truth and we all know truth rates higher than just five little stars. I warn you I will expose just SOME of the horrid detail in my review, so if you are prone to easy queasy feelings, or are just plain ignorant, don't read on.

'Fast Food Nation' directed by Richard Linklater, is a movie about the truth of what our fast food industry are feeding us; Lies. Lie upon lie upon lie. Crawling, writhing, seething lies. Literally.

Do you know how your patties in your burger are made? Do you know how they treat the cows that are the supposedly 'sole' ingredient in your patties? Do you even know how they treat the people who make them?

You, dear Sir/Madam, need to watch this for the truth. it will disgust you, it will make you queasy, and feel free to avert your eyes and ignore the cruelty dealt to both animals and workers alike, if you wish. I wont stop you. Your heart might, when it has an attack after enduring the revolting food you stuff your body with.

So basically this is a document slash movie, with a lot of big actors in. Featured are Bruce Willis, Greg Kinnear, Luis Guzmán, Paul Dano, Avril Lavigne, Kris Kristofferson and many more. They show you deep down into the industry that create your burger patties, how they brutally pack millions upon millions of cows tight into small enclosed areas with no grass at all, how they kill the cows INhumanely, how your most likely to have a huge chance of having cow manure smeared and blended into your patties, how the patties are INJECTED with flavour and colour and are practically perfumed to smell right, and how the workers are abused and imported like goods to work in horrid conditions, in a factory that is crawling with bacteria, blood  all over the floor mingled with feces. 

Do watch, for your health's sake, for your family's health's sake, for the poor cows' sake, for the abused workers' sake. Spread the truth. Help save lives by starting with your own, and turn this world right again.
Please. For our children. For their children. Help make this right.

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