Sunday, May 22, 2011

Love and Other Drugs

Date viewed: Saturday 21st May
Rating 3/5

Woaaah so had a pretty hectic weekend, went to a mates birthday party!! Had a mean feed, went to the hot pools, got home late and watched a movie with her. 'Love and Other Drugs' is just another average Rom Com... with Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway starring together? At first I thought 'hmm, not such a good mix..' but actually they did okay together. Infact I usually don't like Anne Hathaway's acting so much, but she suited her role in this movie, and didn't do such a bad job. So Jake is Jamie, a pharmaceutical salesman who falls in love with a complicated and fierce Maggie (Anne Hathaway) who doesn't seem to want to allow anyone get close to her.

I did enjoy the movie, it had a quirky storyline and an interesting plot. But after a while it all just seems the same, like a recurring dream. Nothing new or interesting happens, no unexpected twists. Jamie's love confession to Maggie seems unreal, as they barely even get to know eachother. Jamie's brother is extremely annoying, and has no relevance in the movie whatsoever.

Overall the movie was okay. Was pretty funny, but nothing made a lasting impression and after finishing the movie, as there wasn't really any significant or extreme/major incidents that made you go 'Wow!' to make it a memorable movie. I did however, like the idea of that a player like Jamie stuck by Maggie's side even though her sickness was a major setback for his career.

Moral? Hmm, a hard one to think of. Maybe the moral is for all those Maggie's out there, not to push away those who want to be by your side and help you. If they've made up their mind and they want to stick by your side, accept they will be in your life.

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